Smart Protein Forum
The smart protein field is still at its nascency in India, calling for better awareness and understanding among the academic, industry, regulatory, and policy ecosystem. To push this interdisciplinary sector forward, it is critical to bring scientific minds, entrepreneurs, industry leaders, expert think tanks, and policymakers on a collaborative platform like the Smart Protein Forum to identify key opportunities & challenges, forge meaningful partnerships, facilitate knowledge sharing, and accelerate progress for smart proteins with well-defined action-oriented outcomes. A multi-stakeholder forum would solicit representation across the ecosystem and help accelerate the advancement of the sunrise sector to establish a thriving scientific, innovation-driven ecosystem in India. The Forum was first introduced through roundtable discussions at the Smart Protein Summit 2021 and Smart Protein Summit 2022.
High-impact initiatives of the Smart Protein Forum
- Convene collaborative roundtables, action-oriented working groups and seminars for wider knowledge sharing and open-access resource building.
- Mentor a smart protein talent pipeline through guided research fellowships, workshops, and training programs.
- Host annual international conferences to showcase developments in the Indian smart protein sector and solicit discussions on international collaborative agenda.
The Forum hopes to establish a prestigious ecosystem identity and scientific legitimacy toward a mission that elevates smart protein, lending collective intelligence, advocacy, and opportunities for collaboration to push forth the smart protein vision for India.